Expand your brand reach

Sell your products through Bakuun’s booking platform. Bakuun.com creates automatic packages according to the needs of each user which will ultimately increase conversion.
Registration will only take a minute. Simply pay commission only on successful bookings.
Become our partner today
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Why become a supplier partner of Bakuun.com

Easy to setup

We enable you to create and manage products to our extranet. Easy to use and adaptable for any product.

More Customers

We give you access to thousands of customers, through our global marketing campaigns and affiliate partner programs.

Sales Boost

We automate creation of packages so you can generate monthly bookings in advance and increase conversion

Worldwide Visibility

We display your brand on the packages displayed on the website to promote to more guests.

Fast payments

We pay directly to your card or bank account, with no transaction cost on your side.

Always On

We provide 24/7 assistance to your customers during the reservation process via chat, email or telephone.

How does it works?

Sign Up

It’s free, easy and takes only a minute. Tell us about who you are and what you offer.

Create products

Create and manage your own products including prices, availability and content

Get bookings

Receive your bookings and automatic payments directly to your card or bank account.

Active suppliers
Packages online
Website connected