Join us to boost revenue is the most complete booking platform which facilitates the booking process between accommodations, airlines and travel agencies
We offer a different and scalable business model, and various tech solutions that allow the accommodation to increase revenue up to 35%.
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Why list your apartment on

Why list your apartment on

Different Model

We work without commission or fee for bookings generated through metasearch.

Global Audience

We enable you to reach millions of travelers through affiliate partners and direct marketing.

Continuous Growth

We add new business partners every day to increase revenue for our properties.

Different Targets

We reach different traveler types and seize opportunities to increase sales.

Multi-payment Options

All reservation are guaranted with credit card and guest will pay directly in your property.

Always On

We are always ready to help you 24/7 while using any of our products.

Ready to start?

No cost or monthly fees
Instant account validation
No cost for setup and administration
No parity rate required
Channel manager connections
No contractual commitment
For any type of property
Easy to manage
List your property now
Free of charge and instant confirmation
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Highlights of our proposal

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